Would you like to achieve
A healthy & happy Life
Here you’ll find honest and practical information and tips about how you can accomplish a healthier lifestyle.
A free guidance based on science and experience.
Are you overwhelmed by all the information about
what we should buy, eat and do?
Super foods?! Fast weight loss promises?! Expensive shakes and powders?! Stop wasting your time, effort, money and health!
Are you looking for honest, realistic advice?
How to find ideas for healthy meals?
How to succeed in losing excess weight?
How to encourage kids to eat healthy food?
How to find time for it all?
How to stay motivated?
How to feel better and happier?
And what is healthy anyway?

My goal is to help you. Browse through the nine topics of “Improve your Health” below. It’s free real-life advice.
Given to you by me, a mom of four, who happens to be a nutritionist too, soon to be a registered dietician (RD).
On the “recipes” page you will find many ideas for healthy and easy meals.
On From head to Food you will also come across “Health Retreat Crete”, which is the favorite part of my work.
So you should check it out!
Improve your health

Food & Nutrition
Food gives you energy and the nutritions you need to live. Healthy food reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Fitness & Exercise
Exercise is known for burning calories. It is crucial for preventing many illnesses, like heart diseases and dementia.

Weight loss & Diet
Weight loss is determined for 80% by your choice of food. Start here to improve your dietary intake.

Sleep & Relaxation
Getting adequate rest helps prevent excess weight gain, heart disease, and increased illness duration.

Motivation & Mindset
Motivation is the most important step in our journey of changing unhealthy habits. It changes our way of thinking, feeling, and behaving.

Habits & Behavior
Only by changing your habits you can achieve healthy behavior. Old habits die hard. It takes a while before changes become new habits.

Health & Illness
Health is holistic: it is about the whole person, providing for your physical, mental, spiritual and social needs. Illness is a hole in your overall health.

Simple living & Family
Simple living is making time and space for the most important things in our life: health & spending quality time with our family.

Smoking & drinking
Smoking and drinking are bad enough on their own. Combine the two habits and the health problems multiply. Find out how to achieve an addiction-free lifestyle.